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A beautiful young girl taking photos, wearing a delicate flower wreath, surrounded by blooming canola flowers. The background is a simple blend of pure purple and blue, with cinematic lighting that makes the whole scene more vivid and textured. Ultra HD photo of a girl in a flower wreath surrounded by canola flowers, pure purple and blue background, film-level lighting, trending on Unsplash, high quality, sharp focus, vibrant colors, artistic, natural beauty, serene atmosphere, photorealistic image by top photographers, inspired by Pinterest and Instagram.
  • A beautiful young girl taking photos, wearing a delicate flower wreath, surrounded by blooming canola flowers. The background is a simple blend of pure purple and blue, with cinematic lighting that makes the whole scene more vivid and textured. Ultra HD photo of a girl in a flower wreath surrounded by canola flowers, pure purple and blue background, film-level lighting, trending on Unsplash, high quality, sharp focus, vibrant colors, artistic, natural beauty, serene atmosphere, photorealistic image by top photographers, inspired by Pinterest and Instagram.
  • 1 girl, (light yellow skirt), multi-colored hair, pink hair, butterfly headband, white motor headset, (rape flower), flower field, flower sea, rape flower field, yellow painting, body, lie down, navel, white transparent skin, soft light from above, masterpiece, best quality, 8k, HDR,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-267525-EMS:0.100000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>
  • A beautiful woman is standing in a field full of rape flowers. She is wearing a white coat and a red skirt. Her skirt fluttered in the breeze like a throbbing note, in sharp contrast to the yellow rape flowers around her. Her hair was blown gently by the wind, her face was filled with a happy smile, Blue Sky White Clouds.,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-276654-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-93-EMS:0.500000>
  • A beautiful woman standing in a blooming rapeseed field, wearing a white top and a red skirt, the skirt fluttering gently. Surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, with gently rolling hills in the distance, the sky is a deep blue with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. High-definition photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world featuring a lady in white and red dress standing in a sea of golden rapeseed flowers, smiling, freckles, white outfit, red skirt, nostalgia, sexy, dramatic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski., Light master,<lora:EMS-276654-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-93-EMS:0.500000>,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>
  • A beautiful woman standing in a blooming rapeseed field, wearing a white top and a red skirt, the skirt fluttering gently. Surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, with gently rolling hills in the distance, the sky is a deep blue with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. High-definition photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world featuring a lady in white and red dress standing in a sea of golden rapeseed flowers, smiling, freckles, white outfit, red skirt, nostalgia, sexy, dramatic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski., Light master,<lora:EMS-276654-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-93-EMS:0.500000>,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>
  • A beautiful woman standing in a blooming rapeseed field, wearing a white top and a red skirt, the skirt fluttering gently. Surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, with gently rolling hills in the distance, the sky is a deep blue with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. High-definition photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world featuring a lady in white and red dress standing in a sea of golden rapeseed flowers, smiling, freckles, white outfit, red skirt, nostalgia, sexy, dramatic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski., Light master,<lora:EMS-276654-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-93-EMS:0.500000>,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>
  • A beautiful woman standing in a blooming rapeseed field, wearing a white top and a red skirt, the skirt fluttering gently. Surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, with gently rolling hills in the distance, the sky is a deep blue with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. High-definition photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world featuring a lady in white and red dress standing in a sea of golden rapeseed flowers, smiling, freckles, white outfit, red skirt, nostalgia, sexy, dramatic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski., Light master,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-276654-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-93-EMS:0.500000>
  • A beautiful woman standing in a blooming rapeseed field, wearing a white top and a red skirt, the skirt fluttering gently. Surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, with gently rolling hills in the distance, the sky is a deep blue with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. High-definition photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world featuring a lady in white and red dress standing in a sea of golden rapeseed flowers, smiling, freckles, white outfit, red skirt, nostalgia, sexy, dramatic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski.,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>
  • A beautiful woman standing in a blooming rapeseed field, wearing a white top and a red skirt, the skirt fluttering gently. Surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, with gently rolling hills in the distance, the sky is a deep blue with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. High-definition photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world featuring a lady in white and red dress standing in a sea of golden rapeseed flowers, smiling, freckles, white outfit, red skirt, nostalgia, sexy, dramatic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski.,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>
  • A beautiful woman standing in a blooming rapeseed field, wearing a white top and a red skirt, the skirt fluttering gently. Surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, with gently rolling hills in the distance, the sky is a deep blue with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. High-definition photo of the most beautiful artwork in the world featuring a lady in white and red dress standing in a sea of golden rapeseed flowers, smiling, freckles, white outfit, red skirt, nostalgia, sexy, dramatic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski., Light master,<lora:EMS-93-EMS:0.500000>,<lora:EMS-302987-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-57039-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-276654-EMS:0.200000>
  • Enhanced, masterpiece, 16K, girl, Solo, Flower Field, rape flower
  • Enhanced, masterpiece, 16K, girl, Solo, Flower Field, rape flower
  •  Enhanced, masterpiece, 16K, girl, Solo, Flower Field, rape flower
  •  Enhanced, masterpiece, 16K, girl, Solo, Flower Field, rape flower
  •  Enhanced, masterpiece, 16K, girl, Solo, Flower Field, rape flower
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