

原创 · 创作者激励计划


blur image
blur image
  • 709135436020309649
  • Living room, TV, no humans, , window, table, book,interior design, living room, masterpiece,best quality,unreal engine 5 rendering,movie light,movie lens,movie special effects,detailed details,HDR,UHD,8K,Indoor, living room, TV_ cabinet
  • Villa, lots of blooming roses, outdoor, sky, sky, clouds, trees, blue sky, no people, leaves, chairs, grass, plants, red flowers, architecture, landscape, doors, potted plants, shrubs, house, garden, HD, 16k, garden design
  • Shuwuu, tree, scenery, stairs, no humans, outdoors, house, window, plant, fantasy, nature, sky, grass, building, water, flower, overgrown, forest
  • Shuwuu, tree, scenery, stairs, no humans, outdoors, house, window, plant, fantasy, nature, sky, grass, building, water, flower, overgrown, forest
  •  Masterpiece, the best quality, stunning details, Enjoy the Future, Cyberpunk 2077 Wide angle, 8k, locally blurred, Lakes, valleys, small rivers, high mountains, weathered granite, Hillside, lakeside, oval shaped building (streamlined, lotus shaped design, transparent exterior, metal frame, glass exterior wall, fish scale decoration, huge), surrounded by forest, decorated with lights, rainy, 1girl
  • Masterpiece, the best quality, stunning details, Enjoy the Future, Cyberpunk 2077 Wide angle, 8k, locally blurred, Lakes, valleys, small rivers, high mountains, weathered granite, Hillside, lakeside, oval shaped building (streamlined, lotus shaped design, transparent exterior, metal frame, glass exterior wall, fish scale decoration, huge), surrounded by forest, decorated with lights, rainy, 1girl
  • Create otherworldly landscape images, Exotic plants and animals thrive in unfamiliar environments. The sky should be deep, Bright colors unlike those seen on Earth, Multiple satellites or objects are visible. 地形Rugged,Rugged, Glowing crystals stick out from the ground. exception, Bioluminescent plants should be scattered around, Cast a strange light. in the distance, Tall spiers or structures of unknown origin should be looming, hints at a civilization beyond our understanding. A world that exceeds our expectations and inspires the imagination.
  •  Marshmallow tree highest quality,4K,8K,high resolution,masterpiece:1.2),Super detailed,(actual,realistically,lifelike:1.37),Sweet,Bright colors,whimsical,big tree,soft sky,fluffy clouds,fairy tale,tasty,branches filled with candies,sugar coated leaves,Glittering,Soft and chewy,happy children,playful,Cheerful,summer,enchanted forest,enjoyable,imagination,stay,Bright and airy,enjoy,The cleavage is very attractive,Irresistible,fantasy,edible,indulgent,Towering,Delightful,It's heartwarming,iridescent,Candy heaven



基底模型SDXL 1.0
风格介绍:可以当质感模型,丰富画面感! 权限0.5-0.6可以令画面更丰富,0.7-0.8也可以但有时候出现人物
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